Do you hear the faint sound of sleigh bells?
People have mixed opinions at the start of November. Some are taking a breath after Halloween, others are giddy and hear the faint sound of sleigh bells ushering them into the holiday season.

By starting on some holiday crafts, decorating, list-making, baking or shopping - whatever delights you - you may shift your focus onto more joyful aspects of the season.

What marks the start of the season for you?
For me, it's in the air - in a way, ethereal. There's a change of energy that I feel. Perhaps it's the energy of Christmas readiness - a combination of people bustling about, the colours of Christmas - in shops, outdoor decor, lights, the Salvation Army bells ringing, and the anticipation of celebrating an annual tradition.
Given that the weather and temperature is still comfortable in the autumn - cool but not yet freezing, no sign of snow yet - it's a great time for outdoor activities. Stringing up lights, decorating your front urns or containers, and cutting greenery from your garden are a few options.
You can make swags, garlands, or wreaths from all manner of clippings: holly, ivy, sprays of rosehips, grapevines, evergreens, birch or branches with berries or foliage are all fantastic. Make little bundles or top them off with a beautiful Studio Carta ribbon.

We hope you delight in this season of preparation and anticipation. Here at Figg Street Co., our elves are working away decorating the shop with an abundance of new items coming in for the holidays. Pop in to see for yourselves!