Greeting Cards: Baby steps
I absolutely love babies and children. It's always a delight when these little miracles and bundles of joy visit Figg Street Co. I've met several little ones here: among them, a darling little boy who made an origami white heart for me, a sweet girl who arrived with her mother dressed as a princess, shoes and all, and an engaging baby boy with deep brown eyes and long eyelashes, just the other day.
Children are very special. They teach us so much about being authentic and open... and they say the funniest things! It's no surprise, then, that many of us feel joy at the news from family and friends that they're expecting.
Happy news comes in many forms: the announcement of a pregnancy or adoption, the arrival of a little person, and celebration through a baby shower. We use greeting cards for all these occasions.
Writing cards during these times can flow easily when you tap into the feeling of appreciation for the gift of life.
There's much to be positive about when thinking about a new life being created. A baby can represent and radiate so much light in our lives, even during difficult times. So... what to write?
It all depends on your relationship to the parent(s). The closer you are and the longer your history, the more personal your message. If you're a family member or long-time friend, you can include a favourite memory related to this new experience, or a quality of the person that you think will serve them well in the upcoming months and years - for example, patience, consideration, and reliability, to name just a few possibilities.
A close friend and sibling will have a deeper understanding of the emotional state of the parent(s). It may be kind to include some words of encouragement and reminders of their personal strengths.
If your relationship is newer or more casual, express your positive feelings and well wishes for the new family. What do you wish for them?
While there is plenty of positive to write about, it's usually best to abstain from giving advice in your note. Use your judgment. Something simple that's tied to your gift is likely fine. For example, "We hope you find this device gives you peace. It kept us sane when we had Lucy." If you're uncertain about whether the recipient wants to hear something, state this in your note and offer them the option to take you up on it. For example, you might say something like, "If you ever want to hear about another parent's experience, feel free to reach out to me. I'd be happy to share in this journey with you."

At Figg Street Co., we carry a few stationery brands that include baby-related cards. One of our most popular ones is local: Simply Stitches, from St. Catharines. These cards include hand-stitched thread on paper. Another brand known for its hand illustrations and embellishments including crystals, delicate paper flower appliqués and a light dusting of glitter on embossed paper is s.e. hagerman. Others include Tassotti from Italy, Smitten on Paper, and Éditions du Désastre.
In addition to greeting cards, when a new one comes along, we also find customers looking for invitations and shower decorations. Many people are making these parties themed events. Woodland themes are especially popular lately.
Another trend in baby showers is asking guests to bring a book as a gift for their baby. Check out our Reverie section for a great book recommendation (The Parenting Map by Dr. Shefali). Also, if you'd like to read a bit more about baby shower trends and tips, click here for a link.

If you're expecting this year, congratulations! We send you our best wishes.
May your week include experiencing the joyful laughter of children...