Greeting Cards - Thank You
I find myself pleasantly surprised by the number of customers who come in looking for thank you notes and cards. I believe it's meaningful and more personable to express gratitude in writing. It's also memorable to the person you're thanking.
When you write out specific reasons why you're thankful, and express the truth, it'll resonate with your recipient. Who amongst us hasn't been touched by a thoughtfully written thank you card?
There are many occasions for thank you cards. Most often, it's a response to receiving a gift, help, or the expression of condolences during a specific event, such as a:
- baby shower
- birthday party
- retirement
- funeral or memorial
- bridal shower
- wedding
- anniversary
- statutory and/or religious holiday, etc.
Of course, many of us also write, send and receive thank you gifts for life's smaller moments and as a surprise. Also, a thank you note may not be a response to something someone has done to earn it. Rather, it may be that we've recognized things, people and relationships we're grateful for and simply want to share our feelings. Our appreciation can be expressed at any time.
For this reason, cards come in many forms. Individual cards sometimes fit the bill, especially when the imagery, text and colour relate well with our recipient or occasion. There are also some beautiful cards that may not a specific immediate use, but are too great to pass up, so they fit perfectly in a collection of assorted cards to keep on hand for when the mood or event strikes.
Boxed cards are also popular for expressions of thanks. If we're lucky, we've many reasons to express gratitude throughout the year, so it's nice to have a few cards on hand. It's also the practical choice when we're sending many cards at one time, such as after a party or significant life event. Boxed cards may say "thank you" on them, or you can select blank cards with a motif or characteristics you enjoy.

If you want to personalize your cards, coloured fountain pen inks, roller ball pens or markers work well. So do little details like stickers, decorative washi tape and ribbon. When writing, it's especially meaningful to pause for a minute and consider what you're most thankful for and how it's specific to this event, person or group.
While we've been focusing on greeting cards, we also recognize the many other ways we express gratitude to others. Hugs and kisses. Surprise gifts. Flowers. Acts of kindness, such as cooking or baking homemade favourites. Breakfast in bed. Running an errand or doing a chore or favour.

What are your favourite ways to say 'thank you'?
We'd like to thank you for sharing in our series on greeting cards. We hope it's inspired you and celebrated our love of handwritten messages.