How Do You Feel About Sunsets?
What are you thoughts and feelings about sunsets? Do you enjoy watching the fiery yellow, orange and red colours of our sun emanate a colourful display in the sky as it slowly fades from view? Do you prefer watching sunsets over bodies of water, where this dazzling light show is reflected on the waves?
I absolutely love sunsets. They're one of nature's most beautiful gifts and I truly feel blessed every time I get to see them.
I love summer sunsets and how the sky fills with various hues of colour as the sun begins to set. Sometimes it looks like an artist has been adding brush strokes to the clouds. The fall is probably my next favourite time to enjoy them as the light is so different.
I remember driving home from work one evening in Thorold. As I was merging onto the local highway I was blinded by the most spectacular ball of red light. It was such a surprise the very first time, it took my breath away. It looked as though the sun was setting on the highway. All the variables need to be just right - the fall season, time of day and of course, a clear sky. My drive home takes me south, so I'm able to enjoy the setting sun all the way home.
For many of us, the consistency of sunsets can feel reassuring, especially when life is unsettling. No matter what's going on around us, we can always count on the sun to rise in the morning and set late in the day. Even when all we can see is the effect of diffused sunlight through clouds and grey skies. This daily reminder of the cyclical nature of life can be calming and a source of peace, if we let it.
Several of the brands that we partner with at Figg Street Co. are equally inspired by sunsets. Several ink makers, in particular, reference this time of day when creating nuanced shades of orange and rich yellows.

Wishing you a week of glorious, inspiring sunsets!