On The Make
The official start of autumn makes me think of getting cozy and creative. There's a lot of making going on around me. It's a season of gathering things from outdoors to turn them into arrangements, scented sachets, preserves and wine. There's also still a lot of activity in nature as butterflies, bees and other pollinators float and buzz from flower to flower, and squirrels scurry about collecting nuts. There's much preparation going on.
One popular ritual is displaying a wreath on your door to welcome the new season. For fall, you can make paper leaves in various leaf shapes to create a circular display. The leaves from trees like oaks, maples, and gingko are great options. You can use solid colour, metallic, decorative or a mix of papers for a unique creation. Click here to watch a video that shows you how to make maple leaf shapes from paper.

Another option for a front door display is twisting up grapevines into a circle, or even an oval. Nature is filled with curves and unique lines. When using natural materials to make a wreath, don't worry if it's not perfect. The asymmetry can add a feeling of whimsy and charm.
Part of autumn preparations is not just about winter, but spring. Fall is the time to plant spring-flowering bulbs. While green turns to brown and flowers are starting to fade, we can find solace in planning ahead to the arrival of cheerful, fresh spring growth. You don't need to have a large garden to take part. Even a pot will do. (Click here for tips on creating your own 'bulb lasagne'.)*
*Note that given our climate, the Feb/Mar/Apr layered bulbs in the UK video translate to Mar/Apr/May on this side of the pond.

This is also a great time for capturing the likeness of nature onto paper. Sketching, drawing and painting are all fantastic ways to be in the moment this season. While there is still fruit ripening on branches and vines, there're many inspirations throughout the orchards and vineyards of Niagara. Do you have a favourite fall fruit?
To bring the feeling of nature indoors, consider making an arrangement. It can be tricky finding deciduous branches to use from outside. First off, our trees haven't coloured up yet. Secondly, most of us don't want to cut off tree branches to bring indoors, for many reasons.
To get the same effect, we can make branches with coloured leaves from paper and washi or floral tape. Click here to find out how.

It's satisfying and comforting to know we can make something new from our own ideas and hands. We hope you join us in some creative activities this week, whatever you choose!