Put a personal touch on Valentine's Day
In this week leading up to Valentine's Day on Sunday, February 14th, many of us inevitably think about love.
For those with romance on the mind, sinking into a novel like Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre or perhaps more appropriately for this year: Love in the Time of Cholera might be appealing. Others may prefer poetry, like the love poems of Nobel laureate Pablo Neruda.
If the focus is on one's romantic partner, The Five Love Languages or the classic Getting the Love You Want may be worth re-visiting. If it is escape and romantic dreaming one is after, it may be a book or documentary on any beautiful and scenic part of the world and a hot bath with soft music playing.

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Midori Letter Pads
There are many ways to put a personal touch on this holiday. It may be writing that special someone a love letter, sealed with wax and stamped, which evokes the flavour of a bygone era (is your loved one's love language 'words of affirmation'?). It might be preparing a special meal, including setting the table with thoughtful personal touches. A candlelit bath, massage, or even a long walk together in a new park. For those who are musically inclined it might be singing a song, playing an instrument alone, as a duet or dancing together to some favourite melodies.
And yet, although so much attention is given to romantic love, the most important love of all is arguably self-love. When we honour ourselves, we fill up our cups and are better able to let love flow from us, from which everyone around us benefits.