Spring Forward
In the middle of the night... 2am to be exact, our clocks are turned forward one hour to 3am on Sunday, March 14th. How many of you repeat the popular mantra, "spring - forward, fall-back" when trying to recall which way the clocks change for Daylight Savings Time? Now, be honest: do you also sing the alphabet song in your head to remember which letter comes before or after another? Us, too.

To-do lists let us see quickly what our expectations are, and then we can more easily work out what tasks need to get done and how to prioritize them.
For any assessment of our time, it also helps to consider what really matters to us. Sometimes we need to create blocks of time in our schedules for the things that are not urgent, but are important. This may be because they are a step toward a long term goal, or simply needed to make our lives enjoyable.
By making time for the things that nurture us and fill our cups, we are happier and live fuller lives. Creating boundaries around our time and ensuring we put ourselves on our to-do list gives us more energy to take a step (and hour) forward in stride. After all, spring is just around the corner!