This song gives us the feels...
Although autumn technically starts on September 22nd, autumn colours don't make an appearance here in southern Ontario until mid-to-late October. When the trees show us that we're in the season of fruition, it's quite natural to look back and become nostalgic.

Perfume and scent can transport us to another time and place in an instant, or suddenly make a loved one appear in our mind. Fran Lebowitz said that no one is loved like musicians. Music has an almost magical way of connecting us, transporting us, even healing us. It's a great equalizer, like both tragedy and comedy. A fundamental part of the human experience.
Feeling wistful? Play some old classics. Sing and dance to Billy Jean, Billy Joel, the Beach Boys, Bowie, Smells Like Teen Spirit or Le Freak - whatever resonates with you. It's a great way to reconnect with your partner and add some lightness and play to your day. You can even pull out the photo albums and re-create those hilarious old looks!
You can create nostalgia for the future by making a time capsule.
Bury it in the garden or place it inside one of your walls if you're renovating. Someday it'll be an exciting surprise - a piece of treasure for someone.

Are you enjoying the thought of playing music, dressing up, and getting creative? We hope so. Next week we'll have some costume inspiration for you when it's all about Halloween!