Do you have your school supplies ready?
One of the truths of life is that there's an inherent cyclical nature to things. And so it is that we find ourselves here experiencing one of those cyclical events: the back-to-school season.

In an interview, Salma Hayek spoke of how she would get excited about covering her books with decorative paper at the start of each new school year. Have you ever tried that? Decorative papers and stickers can also be used to personalize storage boxes.
You may also be thinking of practical considerations. What works well in a backpack? Is the size and weight of what you're carrying appropriate? If you use a fountain pen, you may wish to switch to cartridges when you're on campus.

There are certainly many things to consider when selecting your stationery. This is especially true if you write with your left hand. We'll be back next week with more on the nuances of being a leftie!