Love is All Around
Love. It's one of those words that's so big, it eludes definition. Describing it in a few words feels reductive. It's something to experience. And yet we all recognize it when we do. We can discern between someone acting from love and when they aren't. There's an openness, an ease and peaceful calm. There's no judgment or agenda. It's accepting of what is.

As Valentine's Day approaches, I feel grateful for love in my life. I'm reminded of the early days, when I first met my husband in Ottawa. We've been through a lot together over the years since then. I feel incredibly lucky to have a partner with whom I've shared so much life. It's nourishing to me to stop for a moment and really take that in.
I've often thought it's so sweet when I see older couples whose love is so deep it's palpable to any of us around them. A simple act of tenderness toward the other can melt my heart. I enjoy observing them looking out for one another, much in the way small children do - there's a purity, simplicity and innocence about caring for our partners that showcases humanity at its best. It's refreshing to be in the midst of it.

Are you lucky enough to know what I'm talking about? Maybe it's you and your partner or perhaps you've been witness to other demonstrations of love in your life. We can never seem to have enough of it - it's the clean air we all want to breathe.
Over the next little while, look around you: where do you see the warmth of loving kindness in action? Who seems to radiate openness, understanding, and tolerance? Wherever you find it, you're bound to find more. I've noticed that these traits seem to cluster together. Love attracts love.

At Figg Street Co., we wish you a sweet, joyful Valentine's Day filled with love!