What will you create this Halloween?
It's nearly here! Trick-or-treat time is fast approaching.
Halloween's a fantastic holiday for the imaginative and whimsical. From the costumes to the decorations and sound effects, it's a time when you can really stretch your creative thinking skills and conjure up whatever character, mood, or special effect you like.

There're creative activities of all types:
- carving and styling pumpkins, squashes and plants;
- costumes to design and make from paper or sew;
- making miniature models, paper maché and window displays;
- applying character hair and makeup; and
- staging musical and sound effects.
Here are a few paper-based Halloween crafts you may like to consider this year:
Spider webs
For the full effect, add a fake spider, which you can also make from paper or use felt, cotton or whatever you have on hand. CLICK HERE
Pumpkin Garland
For a hit of seasonal orange, make this colourful pumpkin garland to string across your mantle, banister, window frame or wherever else you wish. CLICK HERE
Simple enough for young children to make, these are also effective enough for adults to enjoy. Dangle them from a thread (or use wire) to create the illusion of bats flying, hang them upside-down from the ceiling, or stick them on the wall. You can also include them in your front door decor by nestling them into tree or shrub branches or place them on and around your veranda or stoop. CLICK HERE

Paper's great to use when creating decorations, but it's also wonderful for making costumes. When I was in a kid, a friend of mine used paper, a cardboard box, a pencil and some string to turn herself into a walking calendar for Halloween!
CLICK HERE for a few other do-it-yourself halloween costume ideas you can make.

We hope this issue gave you a few Halloween ideas to think about. If you're in the shop, let us know what costumes or decor items you enjoy making. And we hope you enjoy watching the parade of characters meandering the streets this year!