November pick-me-ups
Aah, November! We're deep into autumn now and sweater weather is here to stay for awhile. Each day, sunlight time is shrinking and becoming more precious. For some of us, this can affect our mood.
Intentional planning and taking action can grease our wheels and keep things moving at whatever pace works for us. Since this time of year can pose challenges for many of us, we'd like to share some tools we use to keep our spirits up.

All the clutter in our head can feel heavy. I feel much lighter when I can get all those swirling thoughts outside me and onto paper. From there, I can see more clearly where my attention's been going. It also helps me examine my thoughts and consider what's worth pursuing, and what I need to make peace with and let go.
Some journal prompts to consider:
- What activities, people, and environments leave me feeling drained or tired? What emotions does this bring up in me?
- What's something I've wanted to do, make or experience for a long time? Is there a step I can take toward it?
- Where do I feel joyful in my life right now? What activities, places and people bring out the best in me?

Music has the ability to change my mood quickly. I can be going about the day on auto-pilot, then hear a favourite song and it will re-invigorate me. Sometimes I'll sing along. When it's got the right tempo, it may even lead me to my next pick-me-up...
If I'm listening to great music with a strong beat, it could lead to dancing. Or it might be a cardio workout. Taryn Toomey's The Class is one of my favourites.
There's also running, of course. I enjoy it for the clarity of mind it provides me, as well as the physical health benefits.
Another thing that lifts my spirits is the excitement of upcoming events and creative releases I enjoy. This can be anything from a new stationery brand discovery, to a new album, upcoming concert or other live performance. A great movie or upcoming exhibit or local event all do this, too. It could even be more personal, like looking forward to catching up with a friend over coffee.
Here are some upcoming items of note that may add a little spark to your day:
- a potential (she's hinting) concert tour for Taylor Swift's new album, Midnights
- a 2023 concert tour for Depeche Mode's new album, Memento Mori
- Season 5 of The Crown will be released on Netflix November 9th
- currently in production, Season 3 of Bridgerton is expected to air in 2023

... and, more specific to us: we'll be celebrating a Customer Appreciation Day here at Figg Street Co. in store on Saturday November 5th 10:00 am ~ 4:00 pm!
Enjoy 20% off your purchase in store.
Please note: some conditions apply
We're looking forward to seeing you at the shop and seeing the new seasonal items that have arrived!